
Services that You Wish are Available


Hello everyone. I’m Mayuko, a registered dietitian who is always thinking about eating well.

There is a lot of information and choices out there, but what should I eat?

What should I eat?

We live in a food-saturated society, and we are supposed to be rich in terms of food, but we really don’t know what to eat! I’m sure there are many people out there who are “lost in the world of food choices”.

Here’s what you need to know.

You are the one who knows the best food for you.

However, when you are buried in food choices and overwhelmed by all kinds of information, it is difficult to listen to the signs that your body is giving you.

The purpose of this service is to help you become aware of and listen to your body’s voice.

This process cannot be done simply by listening to or reading various influential information, and requires the help of someone else.

I have been publishing various influential information on food and health on my blog, but I believe that direct support is more effective in a short period of time and the effects will last even after the support is over.

A service to improve your eating habits together

Although I am a bit meddlesome in the services I provide, my clients say, “I feel comfortable and reassured that we are going to work together. I am always happy to see my clients become more and more positive about eating.

Please feel free to contact me.

Mayuko Kanemura 金村真友子
Mayuko Kanemura 金村真友子
Japanese Dietitian 食習慣プロデューサー
食習慣プロデューサーの金村真友子です。 栄養士・管理栄養士として培ってきた知識と経験をもとに、食習慣改善・最終的にダイエットに結びつくカウンセリングを行なっております。